Dec 9, 2015

Knocking Down Doors

I have been avoiding this post for a very very very long time.  Five and a half months to be exact.    
Truth is, I'm moving to Nicaragua!  Some of of you may know this already, because I talk about it often and openly.  It is definitely not a secret.  However, for the last few months I have hid from all of the work I’ve needed to do in order to get myself there.  Why?  Well add a dash of uncertainty and handful of doubt and you’ve got yourself a case of extreme procrastination mixed with fear (a very dangerous combo). 

I have wrestled so hard with all these questions that weigh so heavily within me.  Am I making the right choice?  Is this where God is calling me?  If this is truly where I’m supposed to be than why is this so dang HARD?  And to be completely honest I don’t have straightforward answers for all of these questions.  But I do know that the Lord is STILL faithful through all my disbelief and uncertainty and doubt.

In the past few weeks, this section from the book ‘Love Does’ has continually popped into my head.

"I once heard somebody say that God had closed a door on an opportunity they had hoped for. But I’ve always wondered if, when we want to do something that we know is right and good, God places that desire deep in our hearts because He wants it for us and it honors Him. Maybe there are times when we think a door has been closed and, instead of misinterpreting the circumstances, God wants us to kick it down. Or perhaps just sit outside of it long enough until somebody tells us we can come in." -Bob Goff

I think for too long, I have been waiting for a sign.  For the clear audible voice of God to say “GO” or “STAY”.  The lack of these things has left me discouraged and paralyzed, unable to go in any direction at all.  But I love what Bob says.  That sometimes we want to do something that we know is right and good and God has given us a deep desire to do it.  When its all said and done, that is exactly how I feel about this opportunity.  So, I’m kicking down this very stubborn door and I’m moving to Nicaragua!

Now that we are all caught up on the past 6 months, here are many of the details you’ve been anxiously awaiting.

First, let me give you a little background.  In Nicaragua there is a Young Life camp, La Finca, and on this camp you will find a coffee farm.  There, some of the best coffee that Nicaragua has to offer is produced.  For the past 20 years Young Life has been using this coffee to lower the cost of camp for the young people of Nicaragua.  The kids pay 10% of their camp cost and the coffee sales cover the rest.  Previously, the business responsible for the coffee was known as Beyond Beans and operated with Young Life.  Moving forward, the business will have a new name, a new brand and will be owned by YL, but I won’t spill all the beans on that just yet (see what I did there?). 

Coffee that shares the Gospel.  Pretty sweet, right?

I thought so too, which is why I reached out to them last January.  I have always been passionate about coffee and Young Life and felt so excited about the chance to combine both things.  You may know, last August I moved to Costa Rica for 10 months to intern with Young Life.  Little did I know that during my time there, I would get connected with the folks in Nicaragua and be offered the opportunity to come work with them.  It all fell into place in an imperfect, not how you would expect, sort of a way.  But that’s a story for another time.  I will primarily be working on in-country sales, social media management and marketing with an initial one year commitment.  

As you might have guessed by now, I am responsible for raising my full salary.  We are talking about $30,000, to be exact.  My budget includes: a car, housing, food, gas, flights, health insurance, visa trips, and few other miscellaneous expenses.  In all honesty, raising my salary was my only hesitation in accepting this job.  I am so incredibly excited about every aspect of this... minus the fundraising.  But, they have asked me to do this so all funds can be directed to more kids going to camp and therefore more kids knowing Jesus.  At the end of the day, that is why I am here, funding my way to Nicaragua.  If you want to join me in this adventure prayerfully or financially or both, check out my get involved page for all the info on how to do so.

Jesus has been writing my story all along.  He hasn’t failed me yet and I’m certain this next chapter is no exception. So I'll trust Him in my doubt, and follow Him where ever He may call.  Whether that's Nicaragua or anywhere else in this broken, beautiful world.

Thanks so much for reading!

Adios for now,

Young Life Club in Managua, Nicaragua
Roasting Coffee at La Finca