May 23, 2013


Hello All!

Let me just say, the past few weeks have been non-stop chaos.  From packing up my stuff, moving across the country (7 states in 7 days I might add), having quite the adventure with my parents, moving into a new apartment, starting a new job, and making new friends, I can honestly say that I'm a bit tuckered out.  However, I thought I would take the time to just give a little update on what I've been doing and answer some things that a lot of people have been asking.  So here we go!

 Q: What will you be doing?

A: So, while at SeaWorld I will be taking part in the Theme Park Track of the internship.  More specifically I will be working in the Operations department on Rides at Shamu's Happy Harbor.  Though many may have thought I would be working with the animals (Luke LePage and Anneka Hokanson... cough cough), I will not! For now, I have the opportunity to get my foot in the door through this internship and hopefully gain some valuable knowledge and connections to be one step closer to my dream job.  
Here is a little preview of the Happy Harbor, right next to the Shamu stadium! Bonus!!

 Q: Where will you be living?

A: The internship partners with a temporary housing company, so they set us up with a fully furnished, all inclusive, 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment.  The complex is brand new (opened in February) and is just three miles from SeaWorld.  There are four of us in the apartment so it kind of feels like being in a dorm only its super nice and we have a kitchen.  Here are a few pics for ya!

So Nice!! I can't handle it!

Q: How long is the internship?

A: The internship officially began on May 20th and it runs until August 9th.  Don't worry mom, I'm not moving away and never coming home!

Q: Your interning at the one in San Diego right?

A: Heck No! It may seem crazy that I'm still answering this question but I can't tell you how many people have just assumed that I'm working at SeaWorld San Diego.  Though, this explains why I got so many weird looks when I said my parents wouldn't let me drive alone. This currently makes me a temporary Florida resident soaking up the Orlando sun, humidity and thunderstorms!


  • I learned during orientation that there were over a thousand applicants for this summer internship and I was picked to be 1 of 120!  Hold on one second while I brush the dirt off my shoulders.  Just kidding, but really.
  • While I'm here I get to take part in different behind the scenes tours, seminars, and classes. Hopefully meet a whale (fingers crossed).
  • My uniform might be the most unflattering thing I've ever worn besides footsie pajamas.  Here's a sneak peak of my summer attire.
    Don't hate me cause you ain't me.  

Training starts tomorrow and goes through Monday so hopefully I can master pushing the start button on the roller coaster by then!  Sweet dreams from Shamu land y'all!

Whale that's a wrap!
xoxo Becks

Orcas have the second-heaviest brains in the marine mammal world

May 9, 2013

And so it begins...

Weeks ago, I was going about my day just like any other when my phone rang.  Casually answering the call from an unknown number, I literally almost pooped my pants when I discovered it was SeaWorld on the other line... yeah that's right, SEAWORLD.  Even if you barely know me, you probably know that I am obsessed with whales, particularly Orcas.  Not to mention that working at SeaWorld had only been a dream of mine since I was a chubby middle schooler with a mouth full of braces (we all remember those awkward years).

After nearly having an accident, I started to pay attention to what the chipper SeaWorld employee (Bruce, great guy) was saying to me.  Basically, they wanted to interview me for their college internship program that would take place in Orlando and last the whole summer. HOLY CRAP.  I was in utter disbelief.

 Oh, by the way, here's pretty much what I looked like as soon as I got off the phone.  But they were happy tears, don't worry.

The next day I interviewed with SeaWorld via phone.  They asked me four rather strange questions and that was it.  I was told that I would be contacted either way but there was no specific time frame

After waiting, and waiting... and then some more waiting, I received an email from SeaWorld congratulating me on being accepted into the Summer 2013 College Experience Internship Program!  Again, HOLY CRAP.  In even more shock than the first time, I called/texted just about everyone I knew and let them know.  My mom thought someone died because I called her sobbing (sorry Connie).

So, here we are!  In just 5 short days, I will be venturing across the country with my adorable parents and moving to Orlando for the entire summer!  I have no clue what to expect but man oh man am I overjoyed for this opportunity! Stay tuned for the adventures of Becca and Shamu!

Whale that's a wrap!
xoxo Becks




A killer whale can't smile because the blubber in its head keeps its face muscles from reaching the surface.